Dubai SEO Company – What is SEO (Search Engine Optimization)?

October 30, 2016 - 3 minutes read

Dubai SEO Company – What is SEO (Search Engine Optimization)?

Search Engine Optimization is the method of boosting the rankings of a web-site on natural (“Organic??? or “un-paid???) search engine result pages (SERPs), by incorporating search results friendly elements into a web-site. A prosperous search engine optimization strategy will have, as section of the improvements, very carefully select, appropriate, keywords that the on-page optimization will be made to make notable for search engine algorithms/formulas. Search engine optimization is broken down into two basic parts on-page, and off-page optimization.

On-Page Optimization represents web-site elements which consist of a web page, such as Html document/HTML code, textual content, and pictures.

Off-Page Optimization refers, mostly, to backlinks (links pointing on the site that is being optimized, from other related web-sites).


SEO Company Dubai

Types of SEO

White-Hat SEO

White-Hat SEO methods and techniques to boost the search result rankings of a web-site that do not run afoul of internet search engine (mostly Google, Bing etc.) suggestions.

For example, a web-site which is optimized for search engines, yet targets on relevancy and natural/organic ranking is considered as optimized using White Hat SEO methods. Some examples of White Hat SEO methods include utilizing keywords and keyword analysis, back-linking, link building to enhance link popularity, as well as writing content for human visitors.

Some white-Hat SEO strategies include: high-quality content development, web-site Html page optimization and restructuring, website link acquisition campaigns supported by high-quality articles and manual research and outreach.

Black-Hat SEO

Black-Hat SEO utilizes weaknesses in the search engine optimization algorithms to acquire higher rankings for a web-site. This kind of methods and techniques are in direct conflict with search engine results guidelines.

A few examples of black hat SEO methods consist of keyword stuffing, invisible text, doorway pages, adding irrelevant keywords to the page content or page swapping (changing the website entirely once it has been ranked by search engines like Google).

Some white-Hat SEO strategies include: high-quality content development, web-site Html page optimization and restructuring, website link acquisition campaigns supported by high-quality articles and manual research and outreach.

Digital Poin8 – SEO Company in Dubai – We are the best search engine optimization services provider in the UAE. We rank your business web-site in top of the search engine result pages. We have a strong strategy with a range of diverse techniques and high SEO Practices. If you wish to rank your website we can help you.

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